When you’re ready to transform your rooftop deck, you need a one-stop company that does it all. Urban Rooftops designs, installs, and maintains your custom outdoor furniture. All of your needs covered in one company means you get a smooth and efficient installation process. Our goal is for you to not have to think about your outdoor furniture. You only have to enjoy it.
Our Services
Our custom outdoor furniture services are three-fold: design, install, and maintain.
Outdoor Furniture Design
Once we have scheduled an initial design consultation and have a firm grip on the scope of work, we enter the design phase. Our designs feature cutting edge design style while incorporating your personal tastes. Our customized design process typically entails one conceptual presentation with the opportunity for a revision. Our designs range from custom planters to custom built-in seating.
Outdoor Furniture Installation
Our team will install your outdoor furniture and whole rooftop deck quickly and expertly, ensuring your property remains safe and secure throughout the installation process. You stay updated on progress with consistent communication, and we invite any questions you may have so you feel as informed as you want to be. When we leave, your property will be cleaner and neater than when we began.
Outdoor Furniture Maintenance
We keep your outdoor furniture in top shape by winterizing it each year. Call us to get on the schedule for the full treatment. Protect your investment, and you’ll enjoy it much longer as well as maintain a higher resale value.
Why Choose Us
Urban Rooftops handles all of your rooftop deck, garage deck, and landscape needs under one roof. Instead of scheduling several different companies for each phase of your project or for specialty expertise, Urban handles each part of your project.
We commit to fewer “boutique” style projects at one time, thereby giving every client our full, undivided attention. Fill out the contact form to the right or call us to get started.